Saturday, April 02, 2011

Arcade cabinet restoration: Part 3 - Controls

Ok, it's coming together. By tomorrow afternoon I should be chasing Inky and Blinky....and the other two....

I ordered my controls from Ultimarc last Sunday and had them by Wednesday (I guess that's why I paid $18 for shipping). All told it took me about 3 hours and 2 trips to Radio Shack to complete the process of installing and wiring. I must say I'm quite pleased with the results, especially since they ACTUALLY WORKED when I plugged them in!!

I'm not typically very anal about wiring. In this case though I was a bit more careful and took my time. I avoided using solder on all connections but one and used crimped connectors mostly. Everything worked in MAME perfectly.

I'm in the process of painting the front panel and should have that ready by morning. Excelsior!

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