Sunday, February 24, 2008

Won't you be mine

I came across this video during breakfast on Sunday (just before church of course).

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hey Jude....

Holy crap is this cute or what???

Of course, I would've been super-impressed if the kid actually played the guitar to.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Keep you in the dark you know they all pretend"

"Keep you in the dark and so it all began..."

I went to see the Foo Fighters last night at in Worcester, MA at the legendary DCU Center (formerly the Worcester Centrum)! Indeed, it was a great time and one of the best rock shows I've scene in history!!

The Foo Fighters, headed up by front man Dave Grohl, are in support of their latest CD, "Echoes, Silence, Patience, and Grace". I found it odd that with all of the arenas present in New England that the closest they could come was Worcester. However, it has traditionally been difficult catching a show by the Foo. If I were to guess it may be because they have a relatively low "market presence" in NE (yes, there is such a thing measured for bands). Here are some highlights and "cool stuff" from the show:

- They opened with "Let It Die", my number 1 favorite Foo song of all time. I was tripping. Check out the video below.
- They had an amazing stage and lighting setup. 4 big screens behind the band showed videos and effects.
- They came out and performed their acoustic set "in the round". Right in front of us!! Plus, the "unplugged" members of the band joined them on-stage for that.
- The violin chick....grroowwwllllll!
- Dave was hilarious whenever he bantered with the crowd.
- 3 song encore was amazing!

Also, Dave brought his daughter to the show. We could see a toddler dancing in the middle in the mixing stage. It took us a bit but then recognized the mom as Dave's wife (from the DVD). He would occasionally walk down the ramp and play for her, so cute!

We didn't shoot this video as we had MUCH better seats than this guy. But way cool for him to capture and post from our show!

Monday, February 18, 2008

PSA: Starching the perfect shirt

So I think I found the answer to ironing and starching a shirt that is NEAR the quality of professional pressing/dry-cleaning. I'm wearing a blue polo today that, despite my hour drive and two meetings, has maintained it's crispness. Hears the secret:
1. Iron with minimal steam first, the entire shirt
2. Let stand for an hour to dry
3. Iron entire shirt again with starch (Niagara seems to be the best)*
4. Let stand for one hour on hangar
5. Apply a "gentle glazing" of starch to the entire shirt while it's on the hangar
6. Do not put back in closet as it will crumple (unless your closet isn't stuffed to the max like mine).

*When applying starch during ironing process, apply an even glaze across area to be pressed, holding canister approximately 6" from shirt. Also, make sure you use distilled water in your iron. This is supposed to keep the iron clean and prevent the "yellowing" affect on white shirts.

So, I thought y'all would like to know this. Thank me anytime....and if anyone finds my man card please e-mail me at Thanks!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Nellie McKay ...melt....

Ignore the hens sitting at the piano.

Folks, I'm telling you here and now, this girl is going places. I bought her latest album "Obligatory Villagers" and it is simply amazing! Pure genius.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

We watched "Godzilla vs. Megalon" last night on an episode of MST3K. I forgot how hilarious that show was!! So, for your viewing and listening pleasure....see below!