Monday, January 29, 2007

Guitar Hero II

Ok, I realize I may be 5 years behind the times, but I broke down this weekend and bought a PS2. Why, you may ask? The "killer app" for the PS2 is Guitar Hero that's why! It is incredibly fun. I've had it since Friday and have beat the game at medium level in career mode. And yes, don't be fooled, "Freebird" is the hardest godd@mn song!! It had something like 1200 notes (of which I missed about 100).

Anywho, I shot a short video. Check it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Paul. So that took you almost an entire evening to figure out? Why aren't you trying? There has to be a twist, because you certainly are the Wizard!! Keep it up now, Fred Savage.