Sunday, March 23, 2008

Battlestar Galactica Top 10

Only a fan of the show will find this funny!

Friday, March 14, 2008

We don’t want to ever hear about midi-chlorians ever again

The Deadbolt published a great article containing their speculations on the new Star Wars TV series. This is so good I wished I had written it. Here is my favorite snippet. Full article link below.

" 8. We want politics, real politics.

Can’t believe we’re saying this during Ballot Bowl 2008 or after how much we hated all the Galactic Senate stuff in the prequel trilogy - but we really want the TV series to delve deep into the politics and personal convictions driving both the Empire and the Rebellion. We don’t want all Imperial agents to be blatantly evil or greedy enough to be swayed to the Dark Side. We want to see some true believers, both fanatics and sympathetic idealists who really, really believe that Emperor Palpatine is the best thing ever for the galaxy and we want them to be able to argue their reasons intelligently. On the flip side, we want to see the ugly aspects of the Rebellion - the in-fighting, the questionable guerilla tactics, the desperate measures, and the bad decisions. Good-vs-evil works in big mythic blockbusters, but we need something a little more meaty on weekly basic cable. Show us why a young recruit might choose to become an Imperial guard or why a local moisture farmer might not support the Rebellion. Show us why everything isn’t always black and white in the Star Wars universe, and we’ll happily follow the series through 100 episodes and more."

Paul's View: Heck, who are we kidding? "Revenge Of The Sith" might be considered somewhat of a redemption for the sh!t-stain that was "Attack Of The Clones", but it wasn't enough to convince me that Lucas isn't going to make this series for his 46+ kids and grandkids. This will be a cable series shown on Manchester's channel 50 on Saturday afternoons at 1:30 (right after candle pin bowling). Sigh....

Read full article here....

Thursday, March 13, 2008

That is why you fail.

This is sweet! Not since Jedi Outcast came out have I been so excited to see the next Star Wars game! I mean, c'mon, using the force to take down a Star Destroyer!! Damn!

Check out the trailer here!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

Oh man, this is just way too cool. I gotta' have it!
My birthday is coming (or for fans of Nicole Kidman in "Birthday Girl, it's called 'bad day'). Oh, not one of her best films by the way...but I digress. Chris, please buy this for me!!!

Enjoy the video from my friends at Revision3!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008'll have to go out and buy another coat hanger....

I absolutely LOVE stories like this! I have always said that you really, really, really, really, really, really, need to have a super-trained ear to tell the difference between Monster Cable and standard Radio Shack small gauge speaker wire (sold on a spool at a SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper price per foot). This guy takes it one step further (and better). I'm bummed because I put really cheap speaker wire into my wall (for my HDTV) and could've put coat hangars instead! :(

From the Consumerist:

Can you tell the difference between music that passed through a pricey Monster stereo Cable, and a coat hanger? A reader forwarded us a post from the Audioholics Home Theater Forum and its author says no. He says his brother ran an experiment on him and four other audio aficionados listening to a new CD from a new group blindfolded. Seven different songs were played, each time heard with the speaker hooked up to Monster Cables, and the other time, hooked up to coat hanger wire. Nobody could determine which was the Monster Cable and which was the coat hanger. The kicker? None of the subjects even knew that coat hangers were going to be used. This is, of course, "nothing new," a Google of "monster cables vs coat hangers" shows that some users have been saying this for a while. Still, this is an experiment begging to be recreated under controlled conditions (say, for instance, a double-blind test). Science fair project! Read how it went down, inside...

Read Full Story

28 billion bottles of water

I saw this on Digg today. My daughter will be proud that I'm posting something "green".